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Suomen Pystykorvajarjesto
- Finska Spetsklubben r.y.

Seppo Savola, The President
Vatajantie 7
62100 Lapua FINLAND

June 14th, 1999
To The Canadian Kennel Club

Greetings to the Canadian Dog Fancy from The Finnish Spitz Club

Suomen Pystykorvajarjesto - Finska Spetsklubben r.y. (The Finnish Spitz Club) is one of the 63 breed organizations under the Finnish Kennel Club. Our club has a distinctive and important function within the Finnish Kennel Club - to support and cherish the dog breeds that originate from Finland. The breeds listed to belong to the Finnish Spitz Club are:  

  • Finnish Spitz
  • Karelian Bear Dog
  • Norbottenspitz  

Karelian Bear Dog is one our national breeds and about 900 Karelian Bear Dogs are registered within the Finnish Kennel Club annually. Thus, the whole Karelian Bear Dog population in Finland is about 9000 dogs. In Finland cherishing this breed is easy, because the distances are fairly short and we all speak the same language. Whereas abroad our national breeds are cherished and promoted by foreign members of our breed club, members who have close contacts with the original breed club in Finland. These dedicated people frequently visit Finland and they also purchase excellent quality dogs representing the breed standard from here. They are willing to learn more about our breeds in Finland, they are guided about issues concerning the breed standards, history of the breeds as well as everything that comes to breeding these dogs. These people .are also introduced to the hunting abilities of our breeds by the Finnish experts.

We regard this kind of dedication and enthusiasm as a sign of a  truly excellent authority representing our breeds abroad.  In North America there is one person of this kind, 

Ms. Dawne Deeley
11060 Rosborough Road Sidney, B.C.
Telephone: 250.655.1405 

Email: Dawne Deeley  

We kindly wish you to use the expertise of the above person in all questions concerning Karelian Bear Dog. Miss Deeley has direct personal contacts to our breed club in Finland (she is a lifetime member of the Finnish Spitz Club) and we are very willing to help her in every way in all problematic issues concerning Karelian Bear Dog. One of the reasons behind this letter is that we have been informed that there have been uncertainties and misunderstandings about the relations of two breeds, namely incorrect interpretation of Karelian Bear Dog and Russian European Laika being the same breed. Both breeds have separate breed standards by the FCI and in order to correct any misunderstandings we wish you to register Ms. Deeley in your books as the representative of all issues concerning Karelian Bear Dog, and to make a written confirmation of this to the other parties mentioned in the distribution.

Suomen Pystykorvajarjest6 - Finska Spetsklubben r.y    
Seppo Savola The President of Suomen Pystykorvajarjestd - Finska Spetsklubben r.y.

Distribution: The Finnish Spitz Club 
The Canadian Kennel Club
  Ms. Dawne Deeley  
 Notification: The Finnish Kennel Club

